It's sort of cruel to be showing these pictures in January when the weather is miserable and the air quality is even worse. But I'm gonna.
Ivy. She was made for the sun. Seriously....her skin is the kind you can only DREAM about having.
And then there is this dude. Who burns (look at those sad pink arms! and lips?) even when slathered in the highest SPF known to mankind. I'm sorry my love, you are your mother's son.
I think he's hoping to look sexy/smart for that chick laying out behind the boom box....aaaaand he NAILED IT.
Austin and Brittnie. Lovey love birds who love each other. They havin a baby!
For those of you who know Ethan - you know what a big moment this was. For him to go out in the ocean ON PURPOSE TO HAVE FUN is a pretty big deal. This cute little 9 year old has Asperger's (and Tourette's Syndrome) so - no, this doesn't happen often. And by that I mean ever. I thought my dad was going to explode from excitement :)
Just a lot of pictures of my kid walking...
I mean......his little shadows and reflections, right?
Would you just look at that belly. Toddler bellies are what dreams (and zerberts) are made of.
And THAT, my lovelies, was our second day at the beach.
We're allllmost finished with Califrinia - swear. (I just gotta put the pictures somewhere other than my hard drive, ya know?)
Friday, February 1, 2013
That one time we went to the beach...again.
Posted by Andrea Harper at 2:36 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 28, 2013
The Pier
Yep, still bloggin about Cali. And look, Halloween's not happy about it. Not happy at all. But I'm all "GET OVER IT HALLOWEEN, I HAVE PALM TREES AND STARFISH TO TALK ABOUT."
Because plam trees and starfish take precedence over anything. Unless it's Ryan Gosseling and then WINNER. ALWAYS. (just kidding that was dumb) Also, there are no starfish in this post.
Anyway, without fail everytime we are in Newport/Oceanside we go to Ruby's. It's just a must. I've been going there with my dad since I was a little girl, and now it's just tradition.
It smells like salt, fish, and memories.
Walking down the pier to Ruby's is half the fun. The people watching, the dolphin watching, the fishermen, the fisherman's catch (from fish to squid to sharks etc.), and usually some form of live music. It makes me all sorts of happy.
Do you think we spotted Nash's name...? I'll give you 1 guess.
This blue wall. I wanted it to happen, and Nash wanted it to....not.
Nash would like to inform you that having your picture taken is the most horrible thing in all the land of Horribleness.
My little Vienna Sausages out for the world to ponder.
Oh and hey look! Austin came that day!
I imagine the thoughts in Nash's head go as follows: Top Left - I don't want my picture taken! Top Right - Stop! It's killing me! Bottom Left - Ohmygosh, it's not stopping. Bottom Right - This is it. This is my life.
Then the sun went down, the jackets came out, and the hand holding began. Nash LOVES to hold hands right now. Which is like....ugh, the best.
Don't be embarrassed or anything, but you were WAY off. We totally found it.
Yessir that's my sons name.
And then this picture happened.
Next up, beach day #2. I know, it's like are 2 beach day posts really necessary?? I mean, couldn't I have combined them???? The answer is no.
So one of my resolutions this year is to keep an updated blog. HA! I know! I gave myself a real questioning look as well, but I stared myself back - right in the eye and said "what son?" in my best intimidating voice and myself was all "woah - she means it". So cheer me on will ya? I have no less than 589 posts to get up before I'm all caught up to date so it might get real whirlwindy around here. At least I'm hoping so.
Posted by Andrea Harper at 3:54 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 28, 2012
This is what we're calling Beach Day #1.
The beach really outdid itself this time. Nash is at such a fun age. To him, everything is ridiculously fascinating. And exciting! And incredible!! He couldn't wait to see how quickly he could get sand in every nook and cranny possible. I timed him - he's quick. Like, qualify for the Olympics quick.
There isn't a Get Real Sandy event in the Olympics? Shame.
This was only a few short months ago and already he looks 17 years older. SOB.
A shovel and a bucket is the direct way to that childs heart. He will most certainly love you forever. And ever and ever, and never leave you until he's 30 and then moves next door.
See? Bucket and shovel people. Bucket and shovel.
We played and played and played. All day long we played.
And then things got a little...cheeky.
Who knew it wasn't a nude beach? So we got ourselves him dressed and called it a day.
We hauled our boogie boards in.
He's one cute boogie boarder wouldn't you say?
But he eventually gave up and hitched a ride in.

But we had pizza calling our names. Right behind that adorable little lighthouse.

And when pizza calls our names....

We answer.
And now I wanna go back.
Posted by Andrea Harper at 2:03 PM 4 comments