Monday, March 17, 2008

You know you see it...

So Kevin thinks I'm insane for putting this on my blog, but I'm a little post happy at the moment. And I thought this was funny. Talisia and I were sitting watching TV and we had play-doe for a bachelorette game, and we were molding it trying to see "what we could see" after just squishing it. (don't you judge me....) Tell me you don't see a cartoon dog.


Heather said...

Ummmm..... NOPE. Don't see it. But I do remember that lady's sweet gaucho pants at Nordstrom. We needed to help her.

Casey and Britt said...

I'm so glad you have a blog! I have to agree with Heather :)... I looked really really hard and wasn't seeing the cartoon dog. LOL Hope all is going well and can't wait to see you at Brooke's next week!

Jess said...

Hey Andrea!!!!! Oh I am SO glad you have a blog now!!! You need to bring Zeus and come on mine and Heather's walks!! P.S. not seeing the dog either .... :)

brookeandruss said...

Hey! Yea, you joined the blogging world, now you are super cool:) Sorry, I can't really get a cartoon out of that. I can see something else, but it wouldn't be appropriate to share:) Anyways, Kevin will give in soon enough and will start posting...just you wait. Well I hope you have a good day. See ya soon!

Natalie & Luke said...

I totally saw a cartoon dog. I'm with you Andrea. Hope to see you on thursday at Brooke's. This time I was given enough notice that I can make it. Woohoo!! Miss you!

Dellany Higby said...

UHHHHH NOPE!!!! hehehehe oh man I love you guys!!

Andrea Harper said...

Okay, let me help you people...the mouth is open and on the left side. Just above that is his little nose. To the immediate right of his nose is his eye. His ears are on the right side, and at the very top is the top of his head (obviously). I really need you all to see this so I don't think I'm going crazy! At least Nat sees it!

Beth and Shilo said...

Um yeah still didn't help in seeing the dog.