Saturday, January 10, 2009
Posted by Andrea Harper at 6:50 PM 11 comments
A Very Merry Belated Christmas...?
Have you seen that movie Four Christmas's? Me neither, but I assume that if you did, you have experienced Christmas the way Kevin and I do....every year. Ha! No but it is a whole lot of running from place to place trying to make it to see everyone and please everyone. Making sure that you spend equal amounts of time at one person's house as you did the next. Eating at every stop, and bringing in the armfuls of presents to each house. Saying your hi's, I love you's, thank you's, and then goodbye's. It's exhausting! But I wouldn't change it for anything. (I can't speak for my husband though) I didn't really take many pictures, but here are some anyway...
This was the Christmas party for my mom's side of the family. It was at my Aunt Carol and Uncle Stuart's house. We had a White Elephant exchange, and then ate some yummy food. I know in this picture everyone looks like they are having LOADS of fun, but it really was!
Erik and Chad looking really into the card game. I think Erik likes the Cougars, not sure though.
Watching Dylan open his gifts.
As displayed here....
Posted by Andrea Harper at 5:41 PM 5 comments
Sunday, January 4, 2009
The December get together. It was mine. All mine, and yet Talisia and Dellany seemed to do just as much for it as I did. I think they were secretly worried whether or not I could pull off a whole party, a real one, all by my lonse. But I surprised them, I think. I even MADE stuff. And my mother-in-law even did a center piece with actual flowers. I put cranberries in the ice to make it pretty, and I remembered important things such as paper plates and cups. FOR REAL. What I didn't do was have it at my house. Probably because I don't have one of my own at the moment, and I live with folks other than just my husband, and I thought it would be a little overwhelming to invite 14 other girls over that talk about childbirth, bowel movements, witch doctors, and old high school memories. I'm just sayin. But it ended up going pretty well, thank you very much. I also thought it would be pretty fun, seeing as how I didn't do a theme and all, to hand out some "awards". A few of the awards....
"Most Likely to Die in a Freak Cooking Accident...While Making No-Bake Cookies" goes to.... (yeah, that one went to me)
"One Stinkin Hot Future Relief Society President"....can you guess?
"Most Likely to Change Her Last Name to Cullen".....
"One and Only Girl to Get a False Positive Pregnancy Test"... a pretty hilarious story...
"The Only Woman to Ever Have a Nine Month Pregnant Belly AND a Six pack"...
Just a few. Anyways, since I had December, I'll skip the usual tribute (that'd be weird). Instead just enjoy a whole lotta pictures.Sara with Miss Hadlee Jo. She is the sweetest thing. The baby I mean....haha
Cassi and Sheena. Two people who can't take a bad picture if their life depended on it.
Katie in the middle of what appears to be an AWESOME story. Which is pretty typical, she is always entertaining us :)
Talisia and Katie.
Another bad picture with no one looking. But look at how beautiful Talisia's house is.
Just your typical picture of a boot and some ornaments....?????
Posted by Andrea Harper at 5:29 PM 9 comments
This is us (minus me, I'm taking the picture, Kira who wasn't there yet, and a handful of others that couldn't make it) being somewhat cooperative for the camera.
Posted by Andrea Harper at 2:48 PM 6 comments