This is us (minus me, I'm taking the picture, Kira who wasn't there yet, and a handful of others that couldn't make it) being somewhat cooperative for the camera.
But that's beside the point. Now on to Meg and Natalie....
Natalie. It is true that I don't have quite as many memories with her as I do Meg. But it has been so fun reconnecting this past year. She is a seriously funny person. She has an adorable son Luke, who is just freakin awesome. He is the FUNNIEST kid I think I have ever met. He kills me. We play ninjas and vampires, and other various sorts of deadly creatures. Always a good time. I have some really random memories. Like, I remember going to Natalie's house in middle school and all gajillion of us would gather in her front room. I remember watching a projector movie or slide show in there one time. And don't ask me why, but Buttercup Park always reminds me of her. She is not a shy girl, and can pretty much make friends with anyone. I remember her always having a boyfriend. And she has these crazy double jointed fingers. Like, so double jointed they are triple jointed. She is always so much fun to talk to, and it seems like wherever she is, she is always smiling or laughing. She is my Twilight buddy. She is the one person I know that could never get sick of talking about the movie or the books. We have had many a nerd-exposing conversation about those darn books. She's my go-to girl on anything Twilight. Her and her sisters had this party and she made chess piece sugar cookies for Breaking Dawn. Clever. And hard. She made her own cookie cutters for it and everything. And for Sheena's baby shower, she made this purple tutu that made me want to have a girl JUST so I could have one. She's a crafty one. I'm so glad that I have been able to get to know her even better and catch up with her every month. It has been so fun! Love that girl.
Meg. Oh dear. What do you say about this girl. She is truly one of the best people I know. I look up to her in so many ways. She has a heart bigger than anyone. Hence the theme she wanted to do for her party. It's so Meg, to want to go volunteer somewhere. She is my free spirit hippie chick. She is super intelligent and in high school was determined to be a Forensic Pathologist. She was an SBO in high school, which is really pretty fitting. She always got impeccable grades, worried about getting into trouble, and always respected her authority figures. She hates putting on dresses, and washing her hair. I'm not positive, but I think that the shoes she wore as a bridesmaid at my wedding might have been one of the first few heels ever to grace her feet. We used to color her hair in her bathroom with dye we got at Smith's. She often times cuts her own hair, and does a good job. She is known for wearing at least 4 shirts at a time, and then feeling as though she is suffocating in them. Her room growing up was plastered wall to wall with memorabilia and pictures. She is friends with EVERYONE. I have never known someone to not like her. She has been known to do dances wearing only black socks...she loves music and Bob Dylan. Out of all of my friends, I think she takes the cake for the best tattoos. She has survived being hit as a pedestrian by a truck, and now walks with a slight limp. She really had a miraculous recovery after shattering her hip, and when we visited her in the hospital, was only concerned with how WE were doing. Meg is all about peace and love, and I have learned a whole lot from her. She would give the shirt off her back to someone in need, and we would all be better off trying to be a little bit more like her.
I'm very dissapointed that there aren't more pictures of Edward. I don't care if you are on your death bed woman! This is EDWARD we're talking about!
You have very pretty friends, not to mention your pretty-ness. Anyway. That house is awesome. If I was a modern-type girl, that's how my house would look fo' sho. And I agree with you, Cassi doesn't know how to look ugly in pictures. She's so pretty. i don't know the other girl but I'm sure she's just as beautiful.
I always look forward to your little blips of our friends! You nailed Meg and Natalie!
Whoever doesn’t have Meg and Natalie in their lives is seriously deprived! My life and memories wouldn’t be nearly as fun, entertaining, and fulfilled without those two!
That was such a fun one! Even though I can't pretend to know anything about those books I still love you nerds. Natalie is such a great mom and it is so true, ALWAYS smiling and laughing, (something that Tremayne is always telling me I need to do more, smile. what a dork...) It is such a wonderful quality to have and she is always cracking me up! Oh and meg, seriously love that girl. I told her that if I ever run away I am going to her house because I absolutely love it more than any house I've ever been to. We will one day run away and join a group of hippies, if only we could find some genuines these days. Both these girls are amazing loyal friends and people you can look up to for so many things! LOVE YOUS!
Oh I just love you too much, Andrea! Seriously though. Thanks for the nice, sweet things you said about me. Made my day, and I was having a poopie day. Can't wait to see you at the next one. So sorry I missed yours! That week was super crazy. Now things are calmed down, so I will be available to see your pretty face next time. Thanks for being such a great friend. And I'm so glad we have become closer friends.
P.S. I've seen 'Twilight' 5 times, when are we going to see it together?? :)
I have another vampire series for you to read... If you haven't already. They are called Sookie Stackhouse novels. And they are fantastic! I read all 8 of them in like 2 weeks. Which doesn't seem that fast but it was during Christmas time. :) And the 9th one is coming out in May. The first two are a little scandalous (so don't judge me too much) But, they are fantastic! There is a tv series on HBO based on them called 'True Blood' Yeah, I like vampires, so what. :)
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